Geely Just Nabbed A Guinness World Record For The Largest Car Mosaic

Illustration for article titled Geely Just Nabbed A Guinness World Record For The Largest Car Mosaic

Photo: Guinness World Records

I love a good, silly world record involving cars. Whether it’s hurdling as many cars as you can in an hour or squishing as many people as possible into a Smart car, trying to set a record gives you the okay to do some wild shit. And Geely just set the record for largest car mosaic.

The Chinese car company gathered 1,339 cars together on December 31, 2020 in anticipation of the Chinese New Year on February 12. The company organized the cars into the shape of an ox with the words “2021 Chinese ox” spelled out as well.


Photo: Guinness World Records


There are some pretty serious stipulations required for a car mosaic to qualify for the record. The mosaic has to be made up of cars in such a way that it forms a recognizable pattern if you view it from above. Cars have to be spaced no more than 7.87 inches apart, and the whole mosaic has to cover 3,588 square yards.

The display, organized by Geely Emgrand Official Clubs, clocked in at around 8455.96 square yards. It apparently took more than 30 hours to assemble the whole thing. And, since masks aren’t required in China now, the adjudicator got to present the award in person.


Photo: Guinness World Records

According to Guinness World Records, the Chinese character for ox (牛) can also be used to represent ‘awesome,’ which is exactly what Geely did with its car display.