Great Fall Adventures To Go On With Your Lover

Fall is a season for lovers, for tenderly caressing the one you are with and the one you love (hopefully the same person) and for going on apple-spiced adventures and enjoying the cooling days of September and October before the miserable cold of the Winter devours your very will to live. So if you have a loved one and want to go on a lovers quest for romance, here are some tips to enjoying a great Autumn with the girl or guy of your dreams. Hopefully that’s who you’re with. Because if you’re wasting time not being with someone who you consider the man or woman of your dreams, how are you ever going to find that person? You’re wasting your very life away and it’s the only one you got.

Weekend Trip to the Mountains


No matter where you live in this great country, there is likely a mountainous romantic retreat within driving distance that you and your lover can go to. Mountains are for lovers. So go to and shop for a new car that you can take on this lover’s retreat. That’s a great way to make it more special, in a brand new car. Oh you’re thinking you can’t afford a new car? Well seriously? Are you going to start coming up with excuses as to why you should go on living a life so boring and mundane? Live a little. Step up to the plate and hit that home run? Check prices here, you won’t be whining so much when you see how affordable a new car is: They take your lover up to a mountain post-haste.

Make a Home Movie


You and lover should dress in costumes and make a fun home movie using your iPhone. A lovers’ movie is the best kind of movie. Don’t make it rated X, but don’t make it merely rated R either. Make it just uncomfortable enough that you wouldn’t show your parents. However, you can invite your friends over for a screening after it’s done and then you should film your friends watching your NC-17 film. It’ll be a hilarious and meta way of having a great Fall activity, both during the romantic shooting of the film, and the hilarious revealing of the film to your amigos.

Hit up Every Apple Orchard Ever


Women love to go apple picking. Men don’t mind getting apples at the grocery store – after all someone else has gone through all the trouble of picking them already, why would we pay more to go do something that others have already done. But that’s an issue for another article. Since women love to pick apples we men have to go with them. So might as well do it in a man’s way, make it competitive and try to go to as many apple orchards as possible and compare which ones are best. Make a spreadsheet and a whole bunch of criteria upon which to judge the orchards.