A Light Hearted Look at “Singles Cars” v “Mommy Cars”

Once you’re a Mom there really is no way back. Little do most women realize about the major changes which they are heading blindly and faithfully towards as their bumps grow and they eventually head off to the maternity unit doubled up with the pain of contractions and dizzy with heady expectations of how great life will be.
Motherhood changes women in lots of different ways and we’re not just talking about body shape and diet. Their priorities change in so many different ways, some obvious and others which kind of sneak in when you’re not looking.


Let’s, for a minute, take a look at the changes which are made in the cars they drive. Although there are many exceptions to the rule, many women get attached to their first car and are happy to stick together while other parts of their lives are going through rapid changes – most prominently jobs and boyfriends. This however changes as soon as the first signs of morning sickness appear.
Before – A car has got to be sporty and . . . well, impractical is good too.


After – Safety features take over from the impracticality and are the most important thing to take into account. Moms are, after all, renowned for being wonderfully over-protective of their little bundles.
Before – Bling it up, the brighter the better with blinking lights and those wonderful furry dice, not to mention fluffy seat covers.
After – Things go kind of . . . .beige. We’re talking interiors and exteriors, rather than blood red and diamante air fresheners a kind of practical banality sets in, there’s no explaining it but it really does happen, just think about all of your friends.
Before – Speed was of the utmost importance, the more speed the better.
After – Speed takes a back seat in place of cup holders . . . you can never have enough cup holders when you’re a Mom.
Before – Your car was cluttered up to the heavens with make-up and star bucks coffee cups – girly trash so to speak.
After – The garbage will see a significant change. It will soon comprise of mostly French fries, odd socks and half chewed sticky things which can no longer be recognized.
Before – Compact was rather warm and cozy, with a little bit of fuel efficiency thrown in for good measure.


After – What you need now is space . . . space and more space. Okay, so this person may start off incredibly tiny but it’s amazing how much space he needs.
Before – A glove box full of rock anthems and driving classics to blast out into the night air and keep you awake on those long drives home.
After – A few lullabies to play at a level which is hardly audible to the human ear but seems to work wonders when driving around in the car is the only possible method of getting this child to sleep. “The wheels on the bus . . . ” anybody?
Are you getting the picture? I’m sure that every Mom will have her own version of how things changed from the “”before”” childbirth to the reality which is parenthood.
So, if you are finding yourself going through this change don’t worry, it’s perfectly normal and at metronissanredlands.com they’ve got a good selection of cars for sale which can help you to make the transition smoothly and painlessly. Why not take a look at http://metronissanredlands.com but, in case you were wondering . . . beige is not compulsory at all.